Let’s start answering this question!
You’ve been a follower… Who do you follow? What is it about the person? What is it about the relationship?
Reflect for a minute: What character traits do you require in a leader?
I have researched, experimented and taught tools and practices that help leaders develop the character traits others want to follow. From my research, 4 core character traits emerged. Which of these showed up on your list?
Excellence in All you Do
Being Trustworthy
Acting with Integrity
Living a Lifestyle of Stewardship
And with each of these character traits, I also discovered a parallel leadership mindset of serving the people you lead. The Servant Mindset underlies the relationship between leader and follower and is reflected in
Coaching Excellence
Future looking Feedback
Being a Peacemaker in Conflict
And Encounter Listening
It is my joy to share these lessons of leadership with you through my Leader Know How Blog